SYG is happening from the 7th to the 10th of June (Kings birthday long weekend). We are heading to Lardner Park, Warragul for a weekend of sports, worship and so much more.  

7th of February at 8pm to the 10th of June at 11am. 

Lardner Park, Lardner (155 Burnt Store road, Lardner). Entry through Gate 1. 

Youth $240 ($220 before April 8)
Young Adult $190 ($170 before April 8)
Spectator/Sport Participant (1 Day) $150
Day Visitor $45

If finance is an issue, feel free to get in touch and we can try and help out!

Transport: Whilst transport to sports across the weekend are provided, we ask that all participants organise their own transport to and from Lardner park to begin and end the weekend. We highly recommend carpooling! If you are struggling with this, please get in contact as we may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

Free tickets:
We have 20 tickets available for people who are not currently involved in a youth ministry. This is an amazing opportunity to invite someone to a phenomenal event. Where they get to experience a great community, be involved in lots of sport and experience life-changing worship and rally sessions!  

What is One.Youth? We are a church ministry that runs out of One Church in Blackburn. During the school term we run every week and provide a program for 60-70 young people. Each week you can find us playing games, creating memories and worshiping Jesus. If you would like more information about the program, you can visit

Who is invited to SYG? Anyone between the ages of 13-30ish

What is SYG? SYG is a massive community event involving churches all across Victoria. Thousands of young people head to Lardner Park in Warragul to participate in a weekend of fun, sport, worship, teaching and community. One has been going to SYG for over 20 years and can't wait to do it again. The event is run by Churches of Christ VIC/TAS.

What can I expect from SYG? At SYG you can expect to play 4 sessions of sport against other churches across the Saturday and Sunday. Amongst this there are night rallies, campfires, worship and plenty of community time. 

Where will I be sleeping?

Each participant will be placed into a tent with peers of similar age and the same gender. One Youth will also provide all food necessary for the time we are there, including dietary alternatives if necessary. As we are camping, we ask that you please provide everything required for bedding such as a pillow, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and any other bedding you feel necessary. 

Who will be supervising the participants? We have a team of over 50 young adult leaders/parent helpers who will be onsite to hang out, encourage and look after the young people who attend SYG. Each of these leaders has been interviewed, had references checked and holds a valid working with children’s check. We will also have several trained first aiders on site. We are extremely confident in the capacity of our team and trust that your young people will be in good hands!

What else do I need to bring? We will send out a packing list closer to SYG

Why should I come on SYG? SYG is the best! You will have so much fun, play so much sport, make amazing new friends and create life-long memories.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email,